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Barbi, 36 y.o.
Budapest, Hungary [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 348.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2009
Hello! I'm still alive, just so you know! Just busy with school *cries*
Reply - Conversation - Oct 17, 2009
Hey Barbi :)

and haha :) thanks! i hope to receive your letter soon maybe next weekend when i am back home :) i will let you know :D
how are you doing? ^^ and thanks for the email :D i really like those photos! haha :D

haha XD i think they kinda know each other so much well :) and that's cool about your parent as well :D they have known each other for a long time too XD and yeah * O * is kinda scary they have kids in such early age. but i have known many friends who already have kids now * O * haha :x

haha :) what's all saint day about :D?
i am celebrating halloween with my roommates i think :) but we havent had any idea what to do yet xD will you celebrate halloween? :D why go to cementary? :O

i like your notes :) i havent read it all XD i will do tomorrow :) and i think is cool about it ;) haha!
sauna :D:D i hope you will ave fun with that ;) i am going back to school dorm tomorrow :) hows weather over there? :)
it's getting colder and colder but still comfortable weather :)

take care <3
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2009
Oh good god, I HATE HATE horror movies. But on the bright side I love and adore ghost documentaries. Horror/thriller movies aren't scary any more really; it's jus blood, gore and splat! I mean, in some movies, there's really no plot except, oh, they all die. And the point of that was???

Speaking of creepy stuff like that, I enjoy ghost walks :D I think I did it last year or so with my friend. We went on a ghost walk and man, the experience was something!

Okay, back into the light, I like watching fantasy stuff. It's only the odd time that I'll go watch a movie that isn't fantasy. Until now I wanted to watch Inglorious Basterds or the Time Traveller's Wife. I never read the book but once in a while, you gotta watch one of those movies I think. I donno, it's all up to my mood :D

The movie, UP didn't look that intersting to me at first, to be honest. But when I watched it toward the end, some of the meanings actually struck home. I wasn't bawling in the theatre or anything but it sure made me think (since I'm a deep thinker).

Wall-E was adorable! I love the scene when he was flying in space amongst the stars and touching them. I loved that scene! I do remember I was in total awe when I saw that scene :D

I don't own any Disney movies at all, haha. I'd love to own Beauty and the Beast or Lion King though. Lion King, every time I watch it my eyes tear up. I couldn't help it for the life of me. It's sooooo ah!

Other movies I watch er, whatever is on my list but during this year's Earthday, I went and watched "earth". Since I'm very nature oriented, that movie meant the world to me :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2009
Hello Barbi :3

and thanks for your email ^^ and photos <33 i think you guys have a nice hair :D haha! i like it ;)
and that's great you guys have my letter^^ :D i hope you like it ;)
i dont know when i will know my result. but should be on 15th oct ;) i will get the report card ^^ but i wont be around :P so i wont take the card with me :P haha XD

is the link you send me same to the one you sent me in email? ^^
haha XD cause i dont have the photobucket account so i dont think i can see it =/

but well :) i see^^ my mom have 4 sisters, and 1 brother. but only my uncle grow up with my grandparent all my aunts and mom grow up with their grandparent =S my dad have one brother and sister. and well my dad come from quite a poor family so he works hard a lot to show my grandpa he has the ability to take of my mom :) they grow up together actually^^ which is really romantic haha!

:) <33
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2009
Hey Barbi :)

and haha XD she is really annoying. and i have to face her for another 5 days before i can be home again :P
i have to tolerate her for another few days :x
i will try not to be rude to her at least... @_@

haha XD okay :D i will have my name day on 9 March :3
is a nice day ^^ haha XD

XDD i wanna see yuor new hair :)
i think is great :) please let me see XD haha :D i never have the same hair with my sister before :P

haha that's kinda complicated. i have a small family. even though i think is big. but we didnt keep in touch =S so i dont know much about it D: i am not close to my grandparent, and even aunts too :x so i dont know much about them XD but i think is kinda fine :)
are you close to yours? :)

XDD hahaha. i see ^^ i think is kinda fun :D i just have a movie download and is without subtitle too :S
kinda bad D: but well :) is a very old movie ^^

haha XD i dont know :D i am back to taiwan XD so i dont know much about singapore stuff :P at least i dont wanna know XD
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2009
Ah I see! Very cool, very cool.

For Sakamoto Maaya's songs I love: tune the rainbow, SONIC BOOM, Hemisphere and etc. And yes, I do listen to Disney songs but not as often. However I listen to the Lion King soundtrack :) My friend returned from England and bought me the Lion King OST from the Broadway Musical. It was just fantastic! She told me that the Lion King Broadway Musical was something that you needed to see to appreciate it and be in awe ;)

My fav Disney movie is between the Lion King and Beauty and the Beast! For me, Beauty and the Beast is my absolute fav within the realm of the Disney princesses!

What about you? What's your ultimate fav. Disney movie?

I also find Wall-E cute! Hm, a couple of months ago I watched the movie UP in 3D. I never expected to like that movie but man, it almost brought me to tears!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2009
hello Barbi <3

and i wonder the girl will become friendly that much or not. yesterday, three of us, Nati and Tiffy and me, two of them are my roommates too :P we three kinda have the same feeling toward Anny. the annoyed one. is really obvious that none of us can stand her =/
she is always sining on the behalf of herself that ignored everyone's willingness to listen. and she always complain. never stop at all =S that's really making us feel sick -o-
and somehow she always wanted to prove that her english is better than me. i meant i wasnt wanna compare or compete with anyone. but somehow my appearance, threatening her position. you know what i meant? =/ it is really annoying. =S

but haha XD i wanna have two names day :) i will choose the one close to my birthday so it will be on march ^^ haha :D

haha XD dont worry about the audio :) do you have any messenger? like MSN or Skype? xD maybe we can talk one day online too :3 that will be so cute ^^ haha :P
but dont worry :) take your time for it :D

* O * so Zsofi have a new hair :D that's so cute XD i wanna see the photo ^^ haha XD so do you two still have the same hairstyle? :)
me and my sister once to be the same but not anymore since she dyed her hair :P haha XD but i didnt :)

* O * your cousin is really old!! i have no cousin who is older than us. my sister is kinda the oldest :x then me :x so most of them are really little like around primary school? =S i felt so speechless with them XD and somemore they are all guys :x is really bad =S
is good to have a cousins who like to share :D haha!

i am at home now :) but i am going back to dorm tomorrow :D one week dorm life is really making me feeling good ^^ i like it :)
but your english will sure improve :) so i guess just watch more shows and you guys can understand more and more :) that's how we train our english in singpaore :)
you guys can do it ^^

did you guys receive my letter? ;)
it's been sent for a week time :D

Love you ^^ <3
Reply - Conversation - Sep 25, 2009
Hi there! It's very nice to meet you! Wow, I've never met anybody from Hungary before! To be honest, I really don't know anything much about Europe or it's countries ^^; I know, I'm ashamed of that XD

Right now I'm listening to Sakamoto Maaya's "tune the rainbow". This is one of my favorite songs from her! :) What about you? What's your favorite song from her?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2009
Hello Barbi :D

and yess!! ^^ thank you :) sorry for the late reply :) i was in dorm xD and kinda out of internet for a few days. but well :) everything is good ^^ my roommates are nice :D haha! xD at least i think they are really kind ;) just one girl, she is a bit wierd. and pretty much into her own world i think. =S
but well =S i hope is not that bad.

the time traveler's wife is kinda famous before the movie was out :P but i cant understand because it keeps skipping all the time. but well xD i dont know D: maybe the movie is nice :D haha!
i dont know the cloudy with a chance of meatballs XDD never heard of it :P haha XD

i seeeee :D so your name day is on Dec4 :D:D haha XD i will remember that ;)
and i see xD i have two name days XDD or i can chose either one?
my birthday is on May :D haha XD so i dont know ;)
i see xDDD that's so cute ;) i hope we will have name days too ^^ haha XD but well :D:D Barbi will get something from me :D but sorry to Zsofi xD because i only know like now? xDD haha :P

:D:D audio? xD where is it? :D:D haha XD
and thankssss how are you guys doing? ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2009
hi how are you? my name is ryan. im from usa and im 22. i would like to learn more about you and your country. i hope that we can talk soon. thanks.
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