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Youngter, 33 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 290.
inactive user
똑 - 똑 (^^~)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 24, 2010
Hey there! it's been a while since we last spoke.
How have you been? how's school?
inactive user
hi friend....
so long time
had u came back from turkey??
college starts here
it is really bad T.T
hope to hear about u soon
see ya....
inactive user
o'm happy u had a lot of fun in the park
i will try my best sure i have to meet u whatever happen ;P
renting a car that looks so good for me i never been to turkey but i always hear it is really wonderful country
yes have a nive time there & don't waste a moment
well this days we r here muslim have a muslim month call Ramdan so we have to fast from 3:55 am to 6:30 pm so we can try the feeling of poor ppl when they don't have food to eat u know religion culture so with fasting i don't think i can do anything coz i become tired all the day
but to be honest the moment u eat u really have a strange feelong after a long day of fasting
but sure i'm preparing myself to the college coz i will start at Septembre
have a good time there & enjoy ur vacation
btw.....did u had any egyptien friends here or turkey there??
inactive user
me too i'm really sad coz i caused u many pro & made spend too much money going to AL-Azhar Park

maybe i will come to korea oneday & i will visit u in ur home sure
wow....turkey is really nice country
enjoy ur vacation there
inactive user
the day u send me massage & i didn't reply was coz mum took my mpbile coz she knew i'm gonna meet u
as u know we r a little traditions
enjoy ur days
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2010

just passing by~

how are you today?^^.
inactive user
welcome ^^ it's nothing =)
inactive user
i'm in cairo now
i will give u my new number
hope to recieve this time
inactive user
have a good time
i will be in cairo this wednesday
taxt massage on mobile???
i didn't receive it T.T
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