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Chelsey, 32 y.o.
Macclesfield, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 275.
inactive user
I Wish You A Great, Fantastic and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get things right." (Oprah Winfrey)

The bubbles of champagne and the fireworks
Fireworks, announce the arrival of a
New Year
It is time to redo the plans, reconsider
the mistakes and losses and resume
the way to a happy life.
We will have other opportunities 365
to tell the life we really want
be fully happy.
Living each day, every hour, every minute
in its fullness, as if it were your last!
That we want renovation and will seek
the great miracles of life every moment.
The new year is the birth,
to flourish, to live again.

inactive user
That u have a nice Merry Christmas and a Fantastic and better happy New Year.
Nice and Happy 2011

inactive user
hii there, how are you?
passing to wish you a good week and know how you are.
how was your weekend?
inactive user
Hello, How are you???
I am fine and hope you r fine too!!!
I hope see u again, bye
inactive user
hiiiiii dearrrrr,
merry christmas late
and a happy new year

kissssss from brazillll
inactive user
hello, how r u???
I am fine and I hope you doing well!!!
inactive user
passing to say hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Reply - Conversation - Oct 12, 2009
nyce pose -D
inactive user
hi, kiss to youuu
inactive user
Hi, I am very fine, thanks!!!
I hope you're fine too!!
Have a nice week!!1
Kiss to you
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