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Dini ʚïɞ, 33 y.o.
Brisbane, Australia [Current City]

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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 242.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2017
Hey I would like to travel everywhere I can haha sorry I didn't reply sooner I didn't get any notifications about a message :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2017
Sorry for such a late reply !!! I don't get notifications.
Telstra is awesome so different than any other job 😊 what do you do for work?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2016
Hi I just came back from Europe, we had one night in Austria in Innsbruck, and holy moly the alps are the one of the greatest things I've ever seen, defiantly want to go back to Austria and check out Vienna and the alps again :)

I'd imagine the pyramids would be a great experience to see as well.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2016
I was there studying. I own plenty of books!
Relaxing is great, I'd love a weekend to just relax. How's your kid going? Do you have a job here? :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2016
right, for some reason I expected there to be some strict rules regarding alcohol there...
I don't like pushy guys. :(
I was in the library til almost midnight yesterday and will probs be heading back later today. My life sucks hAHAHA. What about you?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2016
I find clubs generally have more guys than girls.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 20, 2016
do you see locals there too or is it mainly the travellers who go out at night? omg I'd love to go to a club at the beach!
Oktoberfest last year was the best 2.5 weeks of my life. :)
You always meet amazing people who are just there to sing and dance and have fun. :D have you been to another Volksfest then, maybe in Austria?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 19, 2016
haha eveyone in Australia and America grew pu with it!
yes it was filmed in Salzburg! I thought Austrians knew that.
you sound like you're being paid to advertise Egypt. :p what's the nightlife there like? It definitely looks like a very interesting place!
that Oktoberfest thing? ich war 2014 und 2015 auf der Wiesn und habe letztes Jahr nur eine halbe Minute entfernt gewohnt als ich in Minga Praktikum gemacht hab. :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2016
it's a really pretty town, close to the mountains and in case you haven't realised, Australians love the Sound of Music!
So Egypt is cheap? That sounds cool. :) What did you do there?
I've got a uni stuff to do this week... might go to a little Oktoberfestveranstaltung at uni though ahhaha. What are you up to?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 17, 2016
Sure. :) Everyone who visits or lives in Australia has to get to Sydney though! That's like going to Austria and not seeing Wien or Salzburg. :D :D
No I haven't! I take it you've spent some time there? Where abouts did you go? :)
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