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Maria, 32 y.o.
Brooklyn, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 75.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2008
inactive user

We have 11 subjects!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2008
Yesterday was my 17th Birthday! X )
From now on, I can get a certificate of residence!
(But I can't drive a car and can't drink alchole, yet. )
I got so many presents from my classmates and family! X )
I was so excited yesterday~

Oh, and I have to notice this to you.
Maybe, I can't log in Interpals until 10/8. Because I have to study for my midterm exams. (It's 10/6 ~ 10/8) I'll come back on 10/8! Please wait for me! X )
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2008
inactive user

I'm very busy nowadays~
Because October 30th is my school's test!
I must study hard:)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2008
Yeah! There are so many water slides and other water playing equipments! X ) So we can enjoy all day long in there! But we can use there only in Summer.. (Of course we could not be in there in winter, because it's very cold in winter! haha)
inactive user

September 13th~15 is Korean full moon festival holiday.
We always have a rice cake named "Song Peun".
I'm waiting the holiday~:D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2008
hi^^ who are you ??
inactive user
I think it is hard for Korean students to live and study in korea.
Because Korean Parents are concerned about the studying too much.
So they spend nuch money, students go to the many academies.
Also in high school studentsd study until 12 o'clock.
Students are very tired.
I'm tired tooㅠㅠ
inactive user
Hey` hey.

thx for viewing my profile. =D

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