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Sultanbali, 36 y.o.
Lahore, Pakistan [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 64.
Reply - Conversation - May 3, 2012
hi there! :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 22, 2010
nice to meet you!
greeting from the land of smile THAILAND
inactive user
inactive user
no....I don't have.
inactive user
I'm student of
inactive user
fine too..what do u do?
inactive user
how are u?
inactive user
thank u.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2010
hi,so long long no see you ,you still remember me ? hehe,now i've graduted ..
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2010
If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath. If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above the oil are impermeable, the oil cannot rise through them, so it gets trapped underneath.If some of the rocks above
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