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Omar , 34 y.o.
Guadalajara, Mexico [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
inactive user
Ive never practiced it, but Ive done it on accident a few times!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2014
thank you ~
inactive user
I like J-POP.
I listen to music, Utada Hikaru, TM Revolution, and ARASHI.
Occasionally, I listen to music, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry.
inactive user
Your cat looks like my daughter. lol
Both are an energetic, lovely children.:)
inactive user
Nice to meet you.:)
Thank you for a message in wall.
It is a lovely cat. :D
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