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Sammie, 42 y.o.
Marion, United States [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 130.
inactive user
Sorry for the very, very late reply. The weather's been sunny here the past few days. 22°c last weekend, finally spring!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2015
Oh I know, I'm SO over winter! It was -11 here this morning
inactive user
Thanks :-) But you shouldn't envy me, usually photos of me don't look good either. This was a very spontaneous one :-)
And I couldn't agree more with what you're writing about doing things for strangers!
inactive user
Well apparently this year mother nature is off her meds and for some reason it did..haha..and it not really snow just nasty slushy ice.
inactive user
Freezing! Its in the 30's and ice everywhere! How is in up there?
inactive user
haha oh ya I forgot I put that,,,its an oldie for sure! lol
inactive user
which song would that be??
inactive user
i am glad you watched and liked it :)
inactive user
Well definitely Sydney. The city is unique and you have lots of fun. About music.. i am a dream theater fan. its like there is no any other bands in the world and i am too obsessed with them. So i like progressive metal and rock.
Check this out i am sure you would like it
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2014
been married for 4 years. i had been doing thisis before but i quit but i miss talking to other girls. girl stuff you know
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