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Marius, 32 y.o.
Altstätten, Switzerland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 784.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2015
Happy Birthday because I deactivated my FB
inactive user
Happy birthday!!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2010
MARIUS! I forgot how to count in CHINESE!!! I started and French came out of my mouth! and then German and Vietnamese!!! It actually took me a few minutes to remember the chinese numbers! I can't even spell the numbers in french XD !
inactive user
hi there !
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2010
Hoi =)
Und scho wieder han ich etrem lang bis ich due antworte. Also jetzt si scho 4 Wuche vo de summerferiä fertig und ich han eigentlich ned viel gmacht.....ha mit fründe abgmacht, bi mit minere grosselter und schwöster nach dütschland gange, bi go shoppe (de halb chleiderschrak neu kauft :D ) und nöchscht wuche gange ich uf zweisimme. Und hesch du bis jetzt schöni feriä gha? Was für en Feriäjob hesch eigentlich genau?
Jo...s isch echt en tolli klass gsi und ich glaub ich wird si echt vermisse. Hoffentlich chum ich in e tolli neui klass!
Jup, ich bi klassbeschti gsi und sogar die beschti vom ganze johrgang ;) chas eigentlich immer nonig glaube obwohl mini fründini das scho lang gseit hei.
Hoffentlich bis blad.....
Tschüss und ganz liebe grüessli :)
inactive user
i seee,thats ok,bro !
so we have a different education out there lol
by the way,you havent got on here quite long. lol.
travel or busy working??
inactive user
Umm How could you learn many languages in the same time at your country ?
inactive user
your puppy is so cute! (i have two dogs but theyre all grown up :/ )
do you watch tennis or just play?
inactive user
In the middle of the mediterranian, huh? Sounds like it'd be really peaceful. Well that must suck majorly, plus who's mean enough to tell you that you're not smart enough? :( That's what I'm afraid, being told that I'm too stupid to go to uni...I think I'm gonna try to go to Vanderbilt, as it's one of the best. I kinda want to go out of state though :) Have you been watching the World Cup?
inactive user
i seee,thats ok,bro !
so we have a different education out there lol
by the way,what have you done these days?
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