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Grace, 36 y.o.
Singapore, Singapore [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 217.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2009
Hello :D Long time no speak! I've been really drowning in stuff to do this past 5-6 weeks, it's like the final efforts now with school and all. Where are you at now, you still out travelling? I saw the video on youtube that you sent on your trip to Kiruna with the dogsled and stuff, REALLY COOL :) I wanna try that someday....How fast can those dogs run anyway? :P

A lots been going on since last time, have done a 3 week long internship at this local interior-decorating store..they said that they might have a summer job waiting for me there. And I got an jobinterview for tomorrow..hopefully I won't be too nervous!! I really need the money and a job as I don't wanna continue studdying right after highschool.

Hope everything well and we'll hopefully talk soon ;)

Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2009
I've been fine. :)
got into university, studying Japanese Culture now. absolutely fascinating, but I can't find time for sleep sometimes. :]
oh, I envy you. I'd love to travel ANYWHERE now, because it's extremely cold in Poland. it's supposed to be spring, but it's snowing/raining everyday. :<
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2009
hey hey hey. :)
remember me? we haven't talked for... well, a LONG time. :o
how've you been?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2009
Heey, nice to hear from you. Now I know your airplane didn't crash and that ur fine haha (kidding). Don't worry about the reply being late, I can understand why - with the internet not being ready. How are things? What are you doing there really, like studying or just enjoying yourself?:)

I've been pretty good thanks, just managing really - school is horrible right now. Tho we have a break coming up soon, which will give me some time to rest and just have some fun. Like I haven't had any energy to just have fun, it has always been work,work,work and if I forgot to mention it MORE WORK :P haha

Yay - you're coming to Sweden!! Sounds cool, Stockholm isn't that cold right now, about - 5. But in Kiruna you might freeze to death, haha kidding :D But seriously, thats even more north than I live and here its cold enough. Just be sure to bring or buy some really warm coates, gloves. And wear layers of clothes, it'll help you stay warm I can assure you. In march the temperatures will probably have dropped aswell so it's not that cold even though it's still considered winter. I'll be gone in march, I'm going to London actually :)

Hahaha, everyone looked like mafia - good thing they weren't tho :P And hopefully you'll be able to manage school still, even though you're off traveling. I envy you really, if I had any money I'd go traveling aswell! :D Hopefully I'll be able to get a job for this summer and then be able to travel. Wish me luck with the job-hunt :P hehe

Again, nice to hear from you - hope that everythings good and that your having loads of fun :)

inactive user
hi can we be friends? my name is lynn
Reply - Conversation - Feb 18, 2009
hello sys!
we didnt have a chat quite long already.
so the most popular question-
how are you?
inactive user
I'm fine, only I'm little sick. And you?
Well do you was to Czech?
inactive user
Oh wow! How's Milano?
I was in Italy this past summer! it was the south though. Roma, Napoli, and Sorrento areas. It is such a pretty country! I think you will love it. Though the mean can be kind of rude. Watch out! lol
I've been doing well. So busy with school work.
The weather has been typical Alabama weather. It was really nice Monday and Tuesday were sunny and warm, but Wednesday was freezing and wet.
Not much has happened really. You have probably heard, but Obama is now the president. I'm kind of excited really. It will be interesting to see how he handles all of our current crises.
Hope you are having fun in Milano!!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 24, 2009
Thanks a lot! These exams absolutely need both luck and focusing. Two days ago I had an English comprehension test but it was just a course test. Mostly it seemed like an average test. I hope it really went well ! Final tests will be later.

I also think singing is fun sometimes. I guess you must have a great singing voice :) Last time I sang heavy metal with karaoke devices and it sounded wierd as it had to do with a rough voice. Some heavy metal music is like that.

As you can anicipate I have busy with the exams. I have to devote myself to them as I like to have good marks. The new hunting season starts next autumn. Other hobbies of mine you are able to see in my profile. Driving by car is also cool especially when I have great music playing on the background. By the way, I have to admit I am not an extreme guy.

How about you? Are you in a habit of being interested in some hobbies?

Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2009
Hello, btw how do u say hello in your language? :)
its okay, oh is it time for Milan now, how long will u be gone for then?
Since I'm answering this late and ur problably in Milan by now so how was ur flight? how many hour did it take?

I haven't started the wallpainting yet, I got held up this weekend with other stuff I had to take care off. But as soon as I'm done I'll ve sure to post a picture of it so that you can see the finished result :) keep ur fingers crossed that'll be good !:)

yeah, highschool is soon over - its about 4 months left now! :D

hope u arrived to Milan safetly and that ur managing over there by your self

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