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Katerina, 28 y.o.
Slutsk, Belarus [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 73.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2011
Really? I began August31'st. Yeah seeing school frriends is a relief. How's life been for you these days, any boys yeet xD
Hahaha, your dog was sleeping? Aw how cuute. Take a picture?

Sorry forr my late repply. I've been so busy with friends and suchh. But i miss you (:
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2011
yey. you finally have time to reply, i love your replies. <3

man, your a busy girl; why are you so busy for? your lifes so busy, your life must never be boring, lol more tireing ey? rollerskating? i've never been, but it looks so cool, i want to try it out.

aw, good good. so you love that dog? that's so cute. and your moms so nice. other peope would've just left that dog sit there with iron on his tail and not feed them. thats rude right?

well, i wish i had a sister that was my age, and oh i see. so your a girlie girl, but more of a tomboy? xD

your so lucky, i wish i could've went to summer camp with youu ): but of course i live so far away ):

eh school. i dont like it at alll. way too much drama, do you?

Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2011
hey pretty girl (:

it's okay, i understand people have late replies. heheh. i think this is a kind of late reply, i haven't replied in 4 days :( i'm sorry. i've been so busy since it's summer, without school, i've been with friends, and so much more. ooo, you went to camp? what kind of camp. that seems pretty fun, lucky you! and of course i'm happy too, very very glad we can be friends, and create a friendship!

really? aw. i think your funny too (: hey you have a sister? that's pretty cool. does she have an interpals too?

omg. i wish i had a sister my age, so we could be bestfriends, but noo because there all young -_- your so lucky to have a sister as your bestfriend. and really you've always wanted to have a brother? thats strange.. why'd you always want a brother?

you found a dog? wow.. your mom let you keep him?? COOL!

rubiks cube is so hard to do.. i could try hours and hours and hours, and i still would never be able to finish one. smart girl.

see you later (:
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2011
May I be your snail mail friend?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2011
It was really great :) What did you usually do during camping?(I don't have many camping memories)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2011
Did you come back from camp?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2011
hey, long time no see
I'm back from western US^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 14, 2011
Hi Katyaaa.

Man yourrr reply's long, oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah .... Man was i really just saying that outloud, hey alexis stop saying oh yeah. " oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah " mann, just ignore that hahahhaa.

Anyways heyyy girl. So, i recieved a long reply fromm you:3 Oh yeah, i love long replies to the fulllest, just sayyen, so i think we're gonna be good friends, i'd like thatt:)

Belarus is a smalll country dang, i live in the smallest state in United states isnt that crazy? But i never really traveled anywhere out of my state, so i dont really think its small. I actually think its prettty big, so i cant even imagine how big other states are!

Yeah yeah yeah, its cause i'm not a boring person, i lllove llllove lllloveeee long replies, i hate boring old, short replies. They bore me, and then i never wanna talk to the person again, thats why i keep my long replies. Pretty gangsta right? hahah jkkkk.

YOU ONLY HAVE ONE SISTER? Aw, and a cuute little dog, hes red? Aww, how adorable. Man, you must have a pretty small family then. My mom has 6 kids. Which means, i have 3 brothers& one sister, no pets though, but a cute small redd dog would be soo cute;3 What breed is your dog, how old is he, and did you die its hair red?

Rubiks cube? Ohmmann, i never can finish them, i cant even attempt to try to do one, i always fail -_- They're so hard, sheesh 47 seconds? Your good, teach me:D

Aw, thanksss;)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2011
Great! What would you do there?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2011
How do you do? I'm a little blue because I have to go to academy soon.
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