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Rattaporn, 32 y.o.

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
oh you can hear if you want!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 20, 2013
Thanks. I'm happy to meet you too.
How are you today? haha
Have a nice day!
inactive user
oh thank you so much!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2013
Aloha! Just stop by for say hi. Hi :) Xoxo
inactive user
Wow, I'll have to practice a lot! I listened to the google translate and it helped. It's also very pretty to write~^^☆ I'll try to learn the alphabet too~ :3 I'll do my best^O^

I've never been swimming in the sea, but I'd like to someday!
Diets are very hard, but I've just been eating more healthy things and less unhealthy snacks! :D Good luck with your fat fighting~ :D ♥
inactive user
My big sister live England so it's quiet easy for me to go overthere :) And I went in Italy with my class when I was in highschool (I visited Florence, Venise and Verone. I really want to go back there for visiting Rome)
If you come in Europe it's easier to visit several countries because there are pretty close to each other :)
I actually don't really know Thailand but I believe it's a beautiful country.
inactive user
Ohh~ that's great~^^ I enjoy the atmosphere here too, though I want to experience other countries~☆

Could you teach me how to introduce myself and say "Hello" in Thai? :D ♪ It would be really fun to be able to do that~^^

I've never been swimming in the sea but I love going to indoor swimming pools.^^ I want to wear a bikini too, so recently I've been working hard to get in shape~♪
inactive user
I look forward to learning a lot~^^♫
I'd like to visit Thailand someday, I really like walking on mountains and beaches. :D It sounds pretty, I'll look at some pictures. :3

I'm sure you would love England, it's very nice here and near where I live there are forests and farms and also some beaches. :D
inactive user
Oh Singapore seems great. I guess is one of the country that I want to visited in first with Korea and China.
I really want to travel all around the world but it's really expensive. I already went to England (twice) and Italy :)
Australia is alos a country that I want to visit
inactive user
Hi! Liw
Nice to meet you too :D I saw on your profile that you want to travel all around the world and I was wondering if you already travel abroad?
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