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Mike, 66 y.o.
Truro, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
inactive user
You are awesome my dear friend. thanks
inactive user
Hey grafetti man writing on my wall ... I think and wonder how you are doing .. You live a life more adventuresome than mine :)) I know a littl about llamas and I can get you one cheap LOL
inactive user
I am working on getting a new pic :)) You are the most awesome of friends tooo. You are so funny and Could never find a friend as great as you.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 13, 2012
Yes, what do we have if we don't have love? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 26, 2012
uhh, thank you?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2012
Hello, Mike, thank you for listening to my music. I love celtic music and play the guitar, the bouzouki, and the uilleann pipe. My favorite tunes are Blarney pilgim, Morrsion's jig, Cocertina reel, Flogging reel, etc. I also love Carolan's tunes and try to arrange some of them by the guitar in DADGAD tuning. I am interested in the music of your area, Cornwall.
inactive user
thanks mate !!!
i have saw your profile and seems we both have same taste of music. you have good taste in music too.
what red house?
red house district or red house by jimi hendrix.
yeah, it's a great song. i've seen many artist played that song but they play it without any blues soul and make the song become "tasteless".
wow you have delta blues guitar?
that's cool !!!
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