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Olga, 31 y.o.
Saratov, Russia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 93.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2013
He is 1 year old! Gotham XD and your?
I hope that you're going to enjoy here!
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2013
yep but I have to finish what I'm doing now and i will see after!
How long do you think to stay in Dublin?

How old is your cat?
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2013
Maybe don't know depend on job and what i want to do, if i want to continue to travel or not! I'm interresting about the Canada!

I didn't know thanks for the information! You can see on the collumn of the post office in O'connel street the impact of bullet during the civil war between irish and english!
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2013
She's so cute!
It's the spire nothing much XD that the point of where people are meeting each other!
It was with my high School, that's give me the opportunity to stydy here and now I'm still here! Just the weather sometimes is really hard! It can rain like three without stopping! But people are so nice and I really enjoy living here!

that a recent photo of him:
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2013
The troubles are more in Bellfast, Dublin is cool, so don't worry!
I'm fine thanks!
Oh nice do you have animals too?
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2013
How are you?
It's male XD no O don't think so he was foud in the street when he was 3 weeks!
inactive user
Good to hear :)
Not really :/
It was raining really hard all day so I didn't really feel like going outside. Did play some games with some friends though :D
inactive user
lol thanks! :D
How have you been?? Been awhile since we last talked O:
inactive user
Nice to meet you too, Olga :)
I am doing pretty well at this moment, just about to go to sleep.
Currently i am studying in the uni, majoring international relations. It's been my dream major since i was 9 ^^
why did you decide to go to English literature?
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