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Xiong, 35 y.o.
Suzhou, China [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2014
Hello lily, i am studying English as you and besides i want to learn chinese...I love your contry and one day want to visit it :D
What do you think? Do you want limprove your English with me and if you can teach me a little of Chinese?

Best Wishes.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 23, 2014
hi, nice to meet you. i am lili. i am a chinese girl. and i not a student anymore, now i work for a company that irradiation sterilization. Maybe most people didn't know this kind work.
my english is not good either. so let's practise our english together. and exchange more .

Reply - Conversation - Nov 23, 2014
how are you doing I hope everthing is good.
I am Celebi Mehmet from TURKEY, in the dream city of Istanbul.
I think, my ENGLISH grammar is bad.
I'm not here to look for sex... (thats good ;) )
I'm a businessman and want to PRACTICE my English in speaking and writing.
My mother tongue is turkish and I am very curios about your culture and hope, that you might help me.
I am looking FORWARD to your reply.
Nice to meet you.

GREETINGS from turkey..
inactive user
lilly.still waiting to hear from you.
inactive user
would like to be friends.glad you got back to me.tell me about your self.
inactive user
lets be friends.see profile/if interested get in touch.hope to hear from you
inactive user
inactive user
It's nice to meet you, Lily. How are you? :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2012
i like pandas
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2012
hi,i'm Lily
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