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Evania, 36 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 105.
inactive user
i remember you.
how are you ?
long time,..
inactive user
Eva~~~ how are you??!!!
long time no see!ㅜ0ㅜ
inactive user
hi my name is adeline can we be pals?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 22, 2008
wow really ? you hav a shop ???? o_O cool !
i'm sure many costomers will use your shop (>_<)
can you give me the address ?
i'll go and see your online shop ;) haha
inactive user
I read harry potter long time ago
actually can't remember the full story about that~ haha
what kind of music you like?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2008
hey i LOVE FASHION *_*
i like going shopping and sometimes i buy clothes on the internet
korea clothes ?! well.. i think imported things are almost expensive
but when you come to korea, you can buy clothes cheaper than in indonesia ;)
inactive user
Yeah xD
by the way thanks for adding me on msn xD
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2008
yea me tooooooo T_T
too many things to do !!!! sucks..
yea i know IU !!!
she is the same age with me LOL
she sings sooo well o_O
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2008
heyyyyyyy long time no see <3
how are you?
inactive user
the weather is great today ^^ !
how about there ?
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