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Korineto, 31 y.o.
Véroia, Greece [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 57.
inactive user
Hello,how are you?hope to you that you are extremely fine :) :D ^_^ (F) :$ .
Please,can I add you or not?,"Just and only to be friends,nothing more than that" :) :D ^_^ (F) :$ .
Even if you reject that,I will respect your opinion and I will carry it out,but it is an extremely nice chance that I visited your profile :) :D ^_^ (F) :$,and please even if you do not want from me to add you respect me and answer my message by the way you want ;) :) :D ^_^ (F) :$ .
Anyway take a good care of yourself,good bye,best of luck,and best wishes to you and for you all over the time :) :D ^_^ (F) :$ .
inactive user

Boreis na xorevoun zeibekiko?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2011
lol really Avril
inactive user
how are you? (:
inactive user
umm i think u forgot my reply :D
inactive user
hey :D
inactive user
Hey Korina,

If you want to become friends or if I can help you with your english at all just let me know. I am currently teaching myself greek although I must admit I'm not very good at the moment lol!

Take care and hopefully hear from you soon :)
inactive user
Good Morning~~Korina
Nice to meet you..How a u doing today? :)
☆‥+ НАррч ÐАч+‥ ★
inactive user
Yup! I am happy that I finished it, although I didnt want to continue my music education. But good that You play something :)
Thats bad! But Ive heard that You are going to have really few public schools :/
inactive user
hmm i'm not sure then sorry
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