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Shawn, 38 y.o.
Plattsburgh, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 115.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 8, 2012
Hello! I love Guitar!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 20, 2012
Firstly, I am so sorry it's taken me this long to reply! I'm a terrible person. :P
Ah, I LOVE that quote. It really is a beautiful thought. I think when I get a place of my own, I might paint it on one of the walls...

I did. For free. I've been very fortunate. :D It was amazing. Amazing to say I've seen such an icon live anyway. And as cheesy as it sounds, the atmosphere really was electric. But a lot of people felt left down by the performance itself. They expected him to sound like his records, which he obviously doesn't anymore. It was all very self-indulgent sounding. But I loved it.

I will give it a listen, as soon as I find my earphones! (For some reason, the speakers don't work on my laptop anymore, and I can't find my phones, so it's been a nightmare. :P)

Anyway. Nice to hear from you. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Though I noticed you wrote your post on the 25th, so maybe not. Haha.
inactive user
Hmm not really. Was thinking of it, but decided I just want to make cool toys xD
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2011
Now I have the possibility to go to my sister and to celebrate New Year's Eve. I'm so excited and hope you enjoy the next day just like me! :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2011
Hey there! Unfortunately I have no plans: ( I was supposed to work Sunday, but I received yesterday a surprisingly free and all friends are already planned. Conclusion: New Year's Eve will be rather not so fun for me but I will see, maybe there is still a possibility. ;)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2011
it's just an oxymoron.
inactive user
inactive user
It's orange now :P
I like changing my hair colour.. I get bored with it at times o_O
inactive user
haha just type in Seka Aleksic or Sasa Matic at youtube and you'll find something :D It's balkan music haha :D
inactive user
Yeah it's great I have never heard another of theirs like it though.. shame.. but I hope you can prove me wrong!

haha skrillex.. ha.. I can't say much.. I don't know much. But I know what you mean by being enveloped by bass frequencies.. I saw SunnO))) live a few years back - sheeeeeet! I Still don't know whether I loved or hated it.. I had to go and lean on the toliet door for awhile for I thought I'd pass out.. my friend fainted. hahha.. felt like my eardrums were bleeding/exploding.. heard a slight dinging then looked to my left and what I had heard was a little Japanese man hammering at a HUGE GONG! So loud, so noisey, so violent, so transcendental in that you loose sense of everything body, space.. all of it.. GOLD!

Psssh Hope so.. I would love to fly! But judging by the dreams I have had of doing it.. I would probably forget how to do it once I'm too far up to fall gracefully without being obliterated. Regardless of that though, flying dreams RULE!
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