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Ivette, 34 y.o.
San Antonio, United States [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 74.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2011
hi ho
inactive user
hey there,
school is going pretty good, i have class tonight at 6pm to 9pm.. and its an easy-fun class, so today should be good... but it just feels like a bad day for some reason. maybe im a tad depressed, i dunno.
Woops, don't tell people i said i was depressed... some people go crazy and try to 'help' me. or someone i like here gets mad. Ohwell

I am about a month ahead on my history paper, Gutenberg’s Printing Press and the Religious Reformation... And to be honest, the reason i am a month ahead, is because its really interesting to me xD
But... everything is going alright over here, i just have to not forget to do my math homework... she gives us about 4-5 days worth of homework, and i cant forget to do it.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2008
Well, Hello! Saludos!
inactive user
Hey there, I am alright... A little unsure of what to do about things, but ehh... its alright.

I've taken 1 quiz so for.. no tests yet, my quiz was in my history class, and i think i did pretty good on it.
inactive user
Ugg! I agree, even though I am going to a community college, i know what you mean about them being expensive... Just to make myself feel a little better, i compaired how $crewed I would be, if i had taken my 14 credits at the University i will eventually be going to... For my 14 credits here at my CC (community college) it was about $846... but at the university, it would have been about $3780, at the very least... So, i know what you mean about the price tag ^_^ then you have to figure in for the books and supplies and everything else ~_~ it kinda makes you need to go to school, to know how to go to school.

As for being shy... I do agree with you, when I am around my select friends i enjoy being with, I am outgoing and rather funny... But when I am not, I am pretty shy and quite. I guess my friends give me confidence and i feel more relaxed around them.

Well, have fun with all your school stuff, I will have to eventually do some stuff of my own ~_~ which means just math, but its uber review... so i can sleep at the same time i do it xD
- Brad
inactive user
I agreez ^_^ I'm in the same situation as you, but I am uber shy ^_^
I just hope college will get me to overcome being shy, it'd be nice to make friends... but hopefully i'll just get over being shy.

I hope you make some friends too. I am sure you will, your not shy like i am so it should be easier for you...
inactive user
Hrmm... I lost my connection O_o

I know what you mean, I'd like some new friends too... I think i should eventually be able to overcome my shy-ness and talk to someone... Or some people. I'm just going to a community college for now, and then I'll be at a university... But, i dunno.. a few friends here and there would be nice.
inactive user
awww man.. I would like a buffet more than a pizza hut O_o maybe we have one of those... I was to shy and nervous to look around.
(all the people were getting to me, and i got shy)
inactive user
hello there ^_^

Are you going to a university? I have to go to a community college for now... Well, i dont have to... I just am lol. I don't mind starting over again... its been a year sense high school for me, so i've been waiting to get to class ^_^
My school has a pizza hut in it O_o does yous? lol
inactive user
wow that is late for a class...why is it so late?
aw wyeah schools hard work i start on the 21st >_<
hope class goes well
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