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Hom , 34 y.o.
Gaozhou, China [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 319.
inactive user
Ni hao ^^ hehe
inactive user
ohh you still got time :D
ohh..that sounds fun xP
yeahh..i have school tomorrow T^T
inactive user

i dont like to read some books.....
it is boring me T_T
inactive user

u study??keke just kiding T_T
i have to buy books, too:D
I will buy TOEIC books!!
inactive user
i like that!!
now im doing internet shopping..keke
inactive user
keke me,too..

and i have no money-_-
inactive user
not going out??? staying at home!!!!! ㅠㅠ
inactive user

I envy u T_T
because i will be summer vacation on 21th !!!:(
Too late!!
inactive user

long time noooooooooooooooooo talk!!

how have u been?
inactive user
ohh lucky you~
ahaa...yeahh...that was like me...i get bored at home..when i have holidays...i just had school this week...finished my holiday last week :]
so how long is ur vacation?
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