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Samara, 39 y.o.
Perth, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
inactive user
well that's too bad, my weekend wasn't too exciting...just spent it hunting and watching football on sunday. oh man, sexc redhead??? haha, very nice. yeah, i'm trying to figure out what i'm buying for christmas, but i usually end up waiting until about december 23 or so, which is pretty dumb but i do it every year. any big plans this week?
inactive user
Cool cool. At least you can catch some games on TV if you want to. Yeah, I'm definitely glad the weekend is here, too. Any weekend plans?
inactive user
i'm doing good, yourself? and thank pretty much sums up my thoughts on winter as well. are you a baseball fan?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2009
hello~~~~~~~~~~~~what;s up??
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2009
I just assumed you moved back to Hollywood and died of a cocaine overdose. So what's up in Australia?
inactive user
What was it like moving to the other side of the world when you were 12?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2009
hie i lie your prfile too much!!!!!!
how are doing
inactive user
Ohhh, no trick or treat for you, that sucks...well, I'm not sharing any of my candy with you. Just kidding :p If I had any candy I'd gladly share some.
A cliche can be even more powerful than an original idea if its turned on its head; that being said, I'm sure it was fabulous.
inactive user
Yea it was for Halloween. I was a vampire pirate, I wish I could have completed the entire design I had set out (primarily for the vest which I was going to make which I ended up not making). However, everyone at the party loved it, so I guess it still turned out alright. Someone there dressed up as me for Halloween, haha. Did you do anything for halloween?
inactive user
The world of fashion is indeed a "wonderful world" although I'm afraid Thoreau would be spinning in his grave, though. I just made a costume tonight; it was pretty intriguing,

Take care, and good luck with your business.
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