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Sara, 34 y.o.
Stockholm, Sweden [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2010
ja du här hände det inte mkt
nu...***å just ja!
du m¨ste hjälpa mig med chatten här och spotty!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 26, 2010
gu de bara bombarderar en med brev :O
Långa också.
hihi skoj skoj
learning English...
Måste börja svara på dem bara HAHAH
sötispötis vad gör du?
Jag diggar denna sida du så snällt visade :D
DU äger i fysik
Du ska bli min fysiker... jag ska leva på dig :D
sedan köper vi toyboys :D!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 24, 2010
inga snygga hitills???
Reply - Conversation - Jan 12, 2010
Hej :)

Yes yes I understand what you mean, here is also about -15 C :D
Hm.. I visited Stockholm for many purposes, I love this country, people, culture, everything :D So I decided to visit my dream country, and it is not so far away from Lithuania, I travelled by ferry, so it took a little longer than by plane.

So you will be studying ,great, I would love to do the same, but now I am in my final year. But after it I am thinking about studying in UK or Sweden, Sweden wil be the better for me, but I will see which of them will accept me. And what will be your studies program?

Good luck :p
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9, 2010
Hello Sara,

I am interested in Sweden very very much :) This summer I visited Stockholm and became in love with it. How is the life here?? I heard that it's very cold, but here too :D
And what are you doing now? Studying or working, or just enjoying your life?

Hope to hear from you soon
Reply - Conversation - Jan 4, 2010
Hur gör jag för att chatta ;/ sadface
inactive user
yes,,, i just was very surprised but it never snowed in october (as far as I remember^^).. ah my favourite books were about the children of bullerbu? I'm sorry I don't know swedish or english title... but I really liked it.
inactive user
austria.... well,,, it's so cold nowadays so today I just stayed at home! few days ago it was even falling snow... but sweden is much colder, I guess? hm, isn't astrid lindgren from sweden? I loved her books when I was a little child^^
inactive user
hey^^ i'm fine thx...
and u?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2008
Heeej! Hur e det? :)
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