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Esfth65, 31 y.o.
Taiwan, Taiwan [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 84.
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you :)
inactive user
ohh tingweiiiiiiiii^.^ today I finish school early cuz my school prepare to big exam~ ~
tomorrow I will go other big city to meet my friend ^.^~~~ so so happpppyyyy
Reply - Conversation - Jul 29, 2011
inactive user
hhe pic thank you tingwei!!!!!!!
and who??? tingwei ?hehe very cute ♥
afer exam i will call you!!
sweet dreams ~
inactive user started exam..haha..
very hard..T.T...
I couldn't think this problem
I though "easy .." but really T..T hardddddd
anyway~ today my best friend go to my city( she leave big city~)
so, we will study together ^,.^~ have a nice day tingwe i~
inactive user
wow so envy but i cant swimm hehe
i realy worry about exam because i couldnt study
T.T and now i sick stmach ache ...... sorry tingwei
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2011
how its going?
where do u come from??
u born in taiwan or others?
inactive user
tingwei tingweI~ ^,.^~ hehehehehe >_<
how are yoooooooou today? 0_0 hehe
I am staying my school^,.~
inactive user
okay tingwei ^,^
and my short of latter sorry kkkk
after exam i will call you kkkk
inactive user
tingwei how are you today?
you also come korea with anny? +_+~?
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