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Effy91, 33 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
inactive user
Well today there's a book sale at my local library. Def want to hit that up for sweet deals on some good reads!

Tonight, I'm planning on attending an Artist's Reception for a painter that my father knows from church. The flyer is gorgeous!

Have you been able to start doing what needs to be done where you are yet? Good luck!! :)
inactive user
I'm doing well! It's gonna be a lazy day for me today, I think. :)

How about you?
inactive user
Lol @ your live feed - holding it when you have to go to the bathroom is hazardous!
inactive user

Yeah I'm addicted to house music!
At the moment I'm listenning to Tik Tok, sean paul and bob sinclar's new song!
Do u already heard it?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 13, 2010
i actually like to watch korean dramas!^^ they r amazing, but they r long........ about 1 hour an episode, and there r usually about 16 ep. they aren't ALL sappy love stories either.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 12, 2010
Yeah I really should plan to go there soon. It would be really nice! I don't really have anyone to go with haha!
There are a few art museums I would like to check out in London. I went to Tokyo for 10 months that was when I was 16. I would love to go back and live in Tokyo again.. I loved it!
inactive user
Of course, like I said they're not for everyone. The other two I mentioned aren't animated, I forgot to add that. I certainly won't be offended if you don't like them as much as I do.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 12, 2010
hahaha i know how that is
Reply - Conversation - Nov 12, 2010
ahah no never heard of her only 3 i watch are
ray willaim
jullian smith
whitest kids u know
Reply - Conversation - Nov 12, 2010
Hmm.. I guess it depends on where you go in Canada? My city is not the cleanest but meh. haha. Yeah Niagara Falls is pretty cool but I've seen it so many times. I have only been to the US for stop-overs. Although I would like to visit New York one day.
I haven't been to London yet. :/ I'm a bit nervous going there by myself.. haha so silly of me. I've been to Maidstone though.. nice place but ended up missing the last train home >.<
I know what you mean. The only thing to do here really is to go to the shopping centre. Which I have been too .. many many times.
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