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Edric Waswa, 39 y.o.
Mumias, Kenya [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
Reply - Conversation - May 28, 2011
am alive and breathing God can never forsake His pple Those who serve him in truth remember that have been down but am now on my feet
inactive user
Thanx dear i live in Namibia, (Africa).
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2009
you are highly welcomed
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2009
inactive user
no no! it is not disturbing! lol
don't worry abt that lol
hum. we usually say 'an nyeong' or 'an nyeong ha se yo'
the first one is ... maybe to friend or to someone is younger than u
and the other one is to someone who is not close with u or
older than u lol
those mean 'Hello'
we usually don't say like 'good morning', 'good afternoon', or something lol
inactive user
hello! lol
hum i'm doing totally fine!
how abt u???
hum......... we just need to get some tests
for,, graduating primary school, middle school, and high school lol
no big deal lol
oh i see good to know :) thanks

have a nice time you too!
inactive user
haha xDD never mind~~ >x<~~!
haha really? four more name?
it is maybe hard to remember all the name! xD
actually my name is kinda easy to remember!
my name is sounded just like one sun!
you know what is sun right? in the sky xDD
yaya~ the apology is accepted xDD
haha don't care abt it!
i will try to remember ur name too ! xDd
see u!
inactive user
hi edrica!
it is really nice to meet u! >.<
oops! my name is not yukari~
it is just my ID lol
my real name is Kim Won Sun
you can call me as wonsun!
korea is nice~ nothing is really bad xDD
oh! you r from kenya i see!
that's great that kenya is wonderful and doing well! :)
have a good day too!
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