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Ecuatrero, 48 y.o.
Bilbao, Spain [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 159.
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2016
Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2015
Not at all-- I always felt sluggish if not nauseous after eating meat. I just decided, "why eat something that makes me sick?" and simply removed it from my diet. I still, however, miss shellfish, but I won't deprive myself when I get the very rare opportunity to have some. Shellfish never made me feel that way.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2015
Hi Emilio! Unfortunately, I saw your letter much later. ( Can you always speak this day and time? As for me, the day and the time will be good.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2015
¡Hola Emilio!
Gracias por tus felicitaciones. :) Además soy felíz verte después de tan tiempo largo. :)
Perdone por mi respuespa tardía, tuve las ultimas dias de vacaciones de este año.
Por supuesto, sería muy felíz renovar nuestras conversaciones por Skype, sería SUPER!
Espero mucho hablar contigo y practicar nuestro inglés, como antes, y espero para tu respuesta.
Muchos saludos!!
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2015
Happy Birthday to you!!!
inactive user
Hello, I studied a lot, but I'm not proficient in Spanish. How are you today?
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2014
Hello amigo! I'm doing great! Long time no see! Going to visit Russia next week :-) how are you? Are you enjoying kayaking already?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2014
You are entirely right! I need help from friends.
inactive user
When will the construction of ABOUT ME section be finally over? :)
inactive user
ur most welcome :)

Oh, I see ... sorry that u two missed each other .. yea, basically different :)
yea, u r right, but it's not a problem for me and also I feel more comfortable , I dunno :)
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