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Wang-won Kim, 39 y.o.
Suwon, South Korea [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 142.
inactive user
9 months now ... it has been a while :(
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2011
i've been so busy these days..
this month is my busy time~ haha
just have to study hard, but lazy~ kkkk
in the end of january is my last test to graduate from the univ...

ooh~ you've studied chinese? why so?
inactive user
nope i came back to singapore on january 1st ^_^ hehe.
it is okay! dont worry.

what are you so busy with?
wow you studied chinese? speak some chinese with me please.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2010
Nope problem :D
Sometimes i late to reply you also.. :)

anyway, you are in vacation now, arent you?
How was your christmas? You must be had a good christmas, you are at your new house though.. And you have one more Niece now.. Cool~ what is her name? ^^
Had a plan for the new year`s eve?

In the xmas.. I just went to my brother`s house..hehehe... Just like as usual.. :P
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2010
Merry X-mas!
.¨¨¨¨¨¨**o **♥*o*
****o***♥**o***o***♥ *
God bless you :)

ps.. I will reply your message later.. Im in hurry..hehe :D
inactive user
hey i am in korea now !
inactive user so sorry to accdientlly delete ur common..

and i though u were missing!!!!
so now everything ok for u :D?! i know is vacation for korean now right?!

and's really a big news!!!
maybe someday i can see her :D?! haha
i really like baby tooooo..:((((

today i just went to myeong dong..and get some free hug from hangsome guy?! haha
but too many couple in there..and today really cold..i can't handle i came back early..:(((

and yes im already in seoul for about 2 weeks!!! :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 6, 2010
haha.. yup~ i always help my mom, when she makes Kimchi...
make a lot of kimchi~ fuuuhhh...
i like kimchi when im eating it with noodles..kkkkk...

really.. i though this winter is warmer than las winter...
that's cool~ then it must be good on the christmas~ a lot of snow is really good view >< i like it!

haha.. yeah.. you're welcome..
i dont care with my birthday also.. i mean i dont care if my birthday has to celebrate or not.. but it really great when all of my friends send me a message on cellphone just to say happy birthday..kkkkkk... :P
inactive user
well,,if i can study in KHU of course will choose anything about tourism,,and i search that, maybe hotel management or food service management,,i think i choose tourism is more easy to get in, cuz my high school major was think is more easy for me :)

i already get the dorm :D!!! but only for three months,i mean for this winter language course! and later apply another language course then will apply the dorm again!!

well,,she only will stay with me for 4 days, but she will stay in korea for 16,17 days!! 4 days is mean we will sleep together,,haha! after 4 days i need to move to my dorm:)

and hows korea now...? will start the war @O@?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2010
Hey~ were your birthday just pass?
Happy birthday anyway..
Better late than never, right? Kkkk...
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