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Cheese_eate, 23 y.o.
Brisbane, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 10 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
Thanks for visiting :)
inactive user
i was in the uk last year, mostly scotland. i loved it there, but i also loved coming back home to SA. jis i missed this place. but now i'm ready to go somewhere else again, not for too long though, i wont be able to leave for good. so who do you support in the super14?
inactive user
hey, leka durbz boy... hope you are still supporting the springboks, especially coz we won nz in the first 2 games of the tri-nations. jou afrikaans is goed genoeg vir 'n engels man. what tattoo do you have? whats your mxit number, then i'll invite you. district9 is only starting here on tuesday, so then we will go see what the big fuss is about, but the thing is, it wasnt even made in south africa. but ja... as you saw, once again white south africans are being racist because we treat the aliens bad or something like that... but hey... lets just get on with our lives and get over apartheid, its long gone and never coming back. people should just start realizing that. how long have you been living in nz?
inactive user
Oh when did u move to NZ? =)
Nope it means "germany over all" lol :P its actually kinda forbidden to say it here by now...well not forbidden but should avoid saying it coz ppl relate to the WW2...w/e :P
Nah, i don't knw what to study.. maybe Tourism or something^^
Oh psychology sounds interesting! What do you wanna work after uni?
Lol meh, nah i don't talk English that much lol. But i write it pretty yeah, thanks anyway =)
inactive user
Oh you can speak afrikaans? so you're from South Africa?
lol not the best sentence which he taught you ;)
Yeah when i finish school i wanna go overseas for a year or so and then i don't know... i guess studying but i'm not sure what xD I actually wanted to study overseas as well but its freaking expensive :S ^^ And what do you do? working?
inactive user
hey =)
I'm ok so far and you?
lol why thanks :D ^^ Do you speak another language besides english?
Yeah i definately wanna visit NZ :D... still have to wait a year tho coz of school ¬¬.
inactive user
Heehee thanks it's not real though (shhhh!!) It's a small industrial like area... Yeah I know durban too but not that well. When did you move to NZ? Man it's never too cold here which is nice. BUT on hot days we melt. You must put a photo up!! :D
inactive user
Hey wow that's awesome!! I'm in cleland, dunno if you know it?
How's New Zealand??
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