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Josh Murphy, 32 y.o.
Mount Morris, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 400.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2011
Hey there :)
inactive user
Ots rare if i do@! How are you!!! Its been so long!
inactive user
Hey Josh!
Ugh so sorry im just now getting back to this!! Things have been crazy and i've just been getting on to check on things. Peru would be such a great place to go to! Roadtrips are always fun, and even if you are going by yourself they still are worth it in my opinion. I took my solo road trip to Indiana quite the experience let me tall ya
Reply - Conversation - Jan 26, 2011
I'm in absolute bliss.
Just got back from thrifting and record lp shopping.
Awh, why the :(?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 25, 2011
Hey Stranger :)
inactive user
Wow! That's really neat!! I might be getting an internship too this summer its for Denver Safehouse, ill be working with Domestic violence victims and i'm really excited. But yours South America?! Do you know where? Chef Josh :) I really see the potential still. haha whoa! Your on your travelin game! Thats going to be so much fun though, just the experience. Are you going with friends? I went on my first road trip by myself this past summer and it was great! In my opinion hiking of any kind is great! And 60-70 miles is still a good hike :) i really want to go snowshoeing!
inactive user
Well Chicago and Indy towards the end of March. Thennn I kinda wanna hit up Seattle this summer and see some family. Wow cool what kind of app? Mmm i'm kind of jealous of your life to be honest haha I just made this black bean pizza the other day I was impressed with myself and realized if I had more time in my hands I would be so much better of a cook. Where are you planning on taking a trip to?
inactive user
Josh :)
Life is crazy at the moment haha just with college coming up. And school is ehhh i'm ready for summer and couple road trips not going to lie! How've you been!?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2011
You mean to tell me there is no female creeps? Girls get obsessed too easily with boys I'd say, too attached. But not really in a creepy way I guess.

I just love good quotes and lines :} not at all a Shakespeare lover.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2011
Yeah, it's a good way of looking at it.
Mr William Shakespeare :} it's not about this site like I've been asked before ha, although it could be partly true with all the creeps.
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