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Łukasz, 30 y.o.
Warsaw, Poland [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 230.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 10, 2016
Odezwij się na priva jak wrócisz kiedyś na tą stronę, fajnie by było odświeżyć znajomość. :D
inactive user
Awesome!Nice to meet you as well. It's pretty nonexistent, I used to know a few words. It's been quite a few years since I was first taught them. XD
inactive user
Hi! sorry it's taken me forever to reply. That would be awesome if you would still want to. If not, sorry it took so long to reply to your message!
inactive user
i am going to enroll in many universities.. wish me luck yaa :)
inactive user
Dobrze :) dziękuję bardzo. No, I do not, actually. My best friend does, and I learned a few things from her! :)
inactive user

Thanks for visiting my page!
Jak sie masz? :)
inactive user
hey dude :P whats up ??
inactive user
i have facebook and skype facebook is my skype is aku.aulia .. and do u have twitter ??
inactive user
i spent my new year eve with my beloved family .. i celebrated new year with my sisters, my cousins, and my niece. We were cooking roasted catfish and roasted chicken together. after that we watched fireworks xD

i see u like Japan?? wooop wooop wooop i do :D
inactive user
but u can enjoy ur holiday with freeze snowflakes xD .. last week a heavy rain was going on... and there was a flood in here ,, sooo i could go to school D: but it's all fine in here ... and how was ur new year ??
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