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Cheryl Zhang, 31 y.o.
Beijing, China [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 446.
inactive user
Bah ! I'm not realy thin too (plus, I'm short T-T)! since always, but it's not a complex for me :D If someone could love me, he must love me the way I'm :3
But you're so pretty ! *-* I really like the Asian kind ! I find them so cute and pure :3
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2012
hello from changsa
inactive user
Yes I like fashion! As all women on earth :3 but, generally Iwear a T-shirt and a jeans, and I make up not, I'm still too young for this kind of thing T-T, next week I shall be in France, I am impatient to do shopping *-* . and you ? How spend your holidays?
inactive user
You visited all cities of your country ?
In Algeria also there is of the sun in January! But I prefer the cold and the rain! Cities as London *-* it is so romantic!
But I also love the Asian countries like china, Japan, Korea... etc. Asiatic are so beautiful! Being kid I me You visited any cities of your country .En Algeria also there is of the sun in January! But I prefer the cold and the rain! Cities as London *-* it is so romantic! But I also adore the Asian countries as the china, Japan, Korea etc. Asiatic are so beautiful! Being small I pulled my eyes believing that strength has, I would have eyes restrained too !
inactive user
Even if there is many Chinese in my country, it is the first time about which I speak to a Chinese (so happy >.<)But I examined Google, it is a magnificent city *.* is lucky to you there! it well makes it live over there ? I lived in Algiers, it is the main city of my country, even if it is a city of the North, we have of the sun a big part of the year *.*
inactive user
yes iplay bass guitar
inactive user
Me neither.. i prefer music
inactive user
not really
inactive user
okay ...
inactive user
well its okay i like studying
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