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Ricardo, 55 y.o.
Madrid, Spain [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 52.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 26, 2012
yes...please...I'm glad you like it....greeting from bali
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2012
hey Ricardo!!!!
cuánto tiempo!!!!!! qué tal??
el servicio fu ni fa!!!
ahora mi campamento está en Quemoy que es una isla pequñita de taiwán también está más cerca de china!!
inactive user
Hi! Ricardo,
thank for the message. Yes, Alabama is a beautiful place.

: )
inactive user
Greetings from Alabama, USA,
How are you? Hope you and your family are well.

have a great day!
: )
inactive user
It's been a little cool so not a lot of spring growth yet. A few of the earlier flowers like snow drops. Today was a beautiful day and makes one feel like spring may finally be here. I hope so.The next few weeks is busy for us as we move my parents, moves ourselves and marry our daughter all between now and July. Will be ready for a vacation in August.
inactive user
Hope you are enjoying life. How was Christmas in Peru, bet it was nice. Winter is finally over and spring is on it's way. Can't wait. Just wanted to stop by and say hello from beautiful Ontario Canada.
inactive user
Sorry to hear about your job. Bigger & better things are sure to come your way. My family is good. My daughter is almost finished with her first year of college & my son is turning 10 years old this month. Time sure does fly!
inactive user
Hello Ricardo! How have you been?
inactive user
Thanks for your comments too in my profile.Im glad to know you look me as your sis inlaw/Hows your family then?Philipine is a very nice place.Hope you and your family can visit here one day.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2010
hombre Ricardo!!
estoy bien,solo un poco ocupado por los estudios!!
y tu que tal???que haces ahora???
todavia piensas venir a Taiwan??
siempre dejo la puerta abierta de mi casa para recibirte!!
cuando tengas alguna nueva idea,dimelo!!!

un abrazo muy fuerte

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