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Rafal, 44 y.o.
Warsaw, Poland [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 342.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jul 8, 2018
Dziękuje za dzielenie się!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2016
Hi!how do you do?
inactive user
i like your photos
and Radiohead too ;)
i don't think that Dan Brown is a bad reading ;
Why do you like Nabokov?
Can you read in russian?
inactive user
33 or 35?
inactive user
thanks for ur comment ^^

they are some kind of thai dessert, but quite sweet. you will like it if ur passion are sweet things ^^
inactive user
I like the pics,kinda old school style~good :)
inactive user
I completely agree with you, photographing Black & White needs another approach entirely. Colour being present in your photographs can be distracting with a b&w mindset. There's more I would like to add on the matter but it's very complex to describe.
inactive user
Sorry for the late reply; I take varieties, anything - everything more or less. It all depends if the form and light placement/light quality is interesting. For me, Photography feel like a device used to capture time - literally speaking. When I photograph - say a scenery, the physical creation of that particular negative (or jpg) and the subject suddenly feels like it's in my possession. Like I own it. Hard to describe, as I sound crazy. Suppose that is my inner beast. I like B&W more though, nicer tonal range.
inactive user
I personally like Fantastic Mr. Fox & Moonrise Kingdom more than the Grand Budapest. Worth a watch, but wait until you can rent it or find it online via stream. Same humour, but plot was more dark/sad
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