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OliviaYun, 31 y.o.
Busan, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 133.
inactive user
I have been well and you
inactive user
in 1 hour
I have to go
My account on interpals is gonna stay on, but I'm not here
See you later
good night
dream with angel or some stuff like that
inactive user
She has 10 years old
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
inactive user
haha, no
but my little sister want to see, and my parents want me to go with her
inactive user
I don't know, soon you are gonna sleep, so I have to ask if later you are gonna make something cool
inactive user
you are gonna make something cool......... tomorrow?
inactive user
So you are going?
inactive user
Well... I'm getting dress to go to a swim competition.
And you?
inactive user
yeahh, well I try to learn it but it's pretty hard, becuse here,in estonia, we don't have korean teachers :( so I'm more like self-taught person
inactive user
of course we can !
How are you , Olivia ?
My name is Kadri
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