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MisterBolinha, 30 y.o.
Xapuri, Brazil [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 62.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
oi, tudo bem?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2010
Hi! Random messages at my wall about how Phoenix Wright and Invader Zim are awesome always make me happy :D

Just came by to say I really appreciated it and to thank you. I've been thinking about coming back here to update my profile or something but never really got motivated to do so :D

Before I forget: Skulduggery Pleasant is really good :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2010
Hiho, my name is Iga. ; P

Yeah, it's~! Haha, I think the same. XD
inactive user
Hey no problem

P3 FES is supposed to have an extra story and a few more features (including some fixes)

I'd have to say either P4 (I'm playing this one on expert an its brutal lol) or P3 FES
Reply - Conversation - Jul 28, 2010
fine,thanks! you?:)

thank you xD hmmm,not really X) haha
inactive user

I've played Persona 3 FES (need to play Persona 3 Portable lol) Persona 4, and Persona psp.
Whats your favorite persona game?
inactive user
se ele perde, como pode ganhar? oh nao, paradoxo!!!!
inactive user
você viu??? a seleçao brasileira vai jogar adivinha contra quem :))))
inactive user
se vc diz... eu sei, mas sério, tenho algumas pessoas aqui, eu já fiz o meu trabalho... se quiser eu te passo o perfil delas aí é com vc, se bem q vc mesmo pode olha nos meus amigos tbm xD

do zimbábue? ah nao meu, serve do acre? Tony quem? deus pinguim??? é, ai ta dificil. sobre o estuprador de manequins... é, sem comentario, é melhor xDDD
inactive user
ah não meu, que tia babaca xD

se quiser, te recomendo alguns aqui (tem uma tia que ta procurando um noivo, vai ae?)
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