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|)|@|\|, 44 y.o.
Skopje, Macedonia [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice


Call Centre Operator

Relationship status


Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 41.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2018
we had such a long conversation. wow
Really nice. Seems we were good friends once before I left here for a long time.
I gotta read throlugh it later on.

until then,

do big and great
inactive user
Ah ovoj zejtin :)))
inactive user
Thank you so much for your nice words, I really appreciate you taking the time for reading the whole profile. The romanist says thank you 😉 By the way, I was in Macedonia in May. Especially Ohrid was fantastic, I loved the nature there. Sleep well!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 8, 2018
Bloody **** missus.

You seem like hard work!

Fortunately for me, I'm colour blind.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2018
Hey, how are you? How is going your life?
inactive user
^_^ The painter doesn't have that many cute works, so yes, it's one of his cutest :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 19, 2017
awww. thanks... hows it going
inactive user
I always like having the "law laid down" by potential chatmates.
inactive user
It makes sense for men to be like bluetooth. Women would be that way too if it was men that got pregnant. Both sexes are just pawns in the game of natural selection, and it seems like a random way of going about things to always be splitting them into two 'teams' competing with each other, when there are so many bigger things diving people as individuals.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 30, 2017
thanks and good luck here
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