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Martyna86, 38 y.o.
Bern, Switzerland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2011
Hi.. grettings from Peru , I would like to have a penpal friend from Poland.
Auf wiedersehen !
inactive user
hi i really like your profile and wanna talk and share nice conversation with u
inactive user
Yes everybody is looking and that is good.
You have nice motorbike and I'm imaging on it you - perfect.

I wish luck on finding a better job and place. So did you find job there in Switzerland?

inactive user
sure, why not!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2011
hi wanna be ur pal..add me n give message..
inactive user
Where you've been for holidays? I've been in Dhermi Albania, google it is amazing beach but unknown.

Do you work or study while you travel the world, Greece, Germany and now in Switzerland? I like motors too, i have one Yamaha. And you?
Bern is cute town, well every part of it is amazing. Do you change often the cities of Switzerland or you live just in one place?

Take care
inactive user
I'm very well. What are you doing ?
inactive user
Hey Martyna how are you? What are you doing?
inactive user
hello there
inactive user
thanks. at least, i know how to laugh at myself now, laughing at my strange kind of fate. ha.
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