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Marie, 33 y.o.
Anchorage, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 104.
inactive user
hi what's up?
inactive user
Hey there! How are you?

So, you like Black Eyed Peas? I used to be a fan, but the new album, is sooo not Black Eyed Peas style.. I don't like it very much...

and you like Gilmore Girls, great.. I love them... I think Rory is kind of a inspiring example for me... I don't know exactly why, but the way she is is simply great... and I also love books...

How's life in Alaska?

Best wishes from Austria

inactive user
sorry for the VERY late reply! I play the Piano and Guitar.
inactive user
Im in the interior part of alaska
inactive user
hey whats up?
inactive user
ok:) yes I'm still here :) how are u?
inactive user
Hi How are u??
inactive user
hey marie
well everythings good so far, its just that our state is in a fire, so yea its kinda bad here atm, im right now volunteering for the cause over here in the fire stricken area, helping out to stop the fire, i just got out to go an rest now, been at it all nite :(
well how are you anyways?
hope things are cool over there.
will talk to you laters
good nite
inactive user
lol actually we dont need the cold snow anymore
its raining here, omg im soo happy
well how are you going anyways?
hope your doin fine, will talk to you laters
peace out
inactive user
its a material thing you put over your tea pot to keep it warm - http://www.j​​ages/alpaca-​tea-cosy.jpg​
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