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Miguel, 29 y.o.

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
inactive user
︃h︃i︃i︃i! u h︃av︃e n︃ic︃e p︃i︃ics :)︃
︃Visit m︃y S︃E︃X DA︃TI︃N︃G︃̩ ︃p︃r︃o︃fi︃l︃e︃: w︃︃w︃︃w︃.︃op︃t︃︃o︃k︃︃n︃o︃︃.︃c︃o︃m︃︃/︃︃i︃︃d︃︃6︃︃5︃︃8︃9
Waiting f︃o︃r yo︃u︃.︃.︃.︃
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2017
Hello Miguil, I like your profile. I went to college to be a linguist and you have me beat by about 7 languages. I can remember my first Russian class. The teacher said, "You'll love Russian. They only have one rule.......there are no rules."

I'm a gay estadounidense jubilado. I'll be moving to Medellin in June 2017. I'm hoping to go back to school down there. I read that (I think it's EAFIT) has a lot of language programs and has foreigners there as students. I'm going to see if I fit in. Feel free to drop me a note. I'd love to learn more about the language programs and the gay life in Medellin. Hope to hear from you. Al
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2016
greetings from the Philippines
inactive user
Hey ! you're welcome :D
inactive user
Really? Amazing dude! :D
But bavaria is :D
inactive user
Greetings from Brazil ^^
inactive user
Thanks for your wall post, Miguel! You have an amazing description about yourself too!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2016
hahaha! she's the best!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 4, 2015
my miguel :p
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