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Haru, 33 y.o.
Cuneo, Italy [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 134.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2014
Hello, it's nice to meet you, i'm moniiku. I love homestuck too! Who's your fav? Mine is Nepeta for female trolls Equius for male trolls. :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2014
Ciao, quanto cosplay hai fatto finora? Non ne conosco mezzo ma sembrano ben fatti, complimenti °C°
Scusa per il disturbo buona continuazione (-^3^-)/
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2013
Oh my goodness, you're adorable! I'm a fanboy, so I understand what it's like... *sigh* I have the same issue with fanfiction. I read more of the fanfiction then stay updated with the series. UGH!

So, you're O+? I'm -O! O+/-O = ??? What would that equation equal?!!! I always wondered why you would be O+ and I would be O- What makes someone a plus or a negative? BLOOD TYPES?! eH? (O___o)
inactive user
Yeah, massive nerd. I like a lot of old school video games, a few new ones and I love cinema. Tv and movies. Also everything.

Crash bandicoot 1,2,3
Might & magic 6,7,8
Heroes of might & magic III
Age of empires I & II
Zelda: ocarina of time
Tekken series
Mario Kart
Mario 64
Baldurs gate I & II
Diablo I & II
Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim

These are the games that spring to mind first, I bet I have more favorites that my brain just left out. But yeah I'm a nerd. I watch 2-4 hours of movie or TV shows a day, on average.

Also, I am a general nerd in everything electronic.

What do you like?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 6, 2013
Hi am Walter from uganda but doing philosophy in a seminary over here in kenya
inactive user
I'm fine

(if you have a Facebook or tumblr or deviantart or a Skype just tell me)
inactive user
I'm okami~
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2013
buona festa della donna!!! :)
inactive user
Nice to meet you:)
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