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Mel, 32 y.o.
Grenoble, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 7 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 119.
inactive user
hi this is thivaskar.
iam interested having a talk to a person from france,especially from grenoble.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2010
Salut ^^
En italien c'est " a settembre" ... en effet l'italien et le français sont assez semblables.
Moi j'étudie architecture à milan, je dois commencer la deuxième année ..... toi?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2010
Ciao!! :) Pas de problèmes .... je peux t'aider si tu veux.
Seulement à celui qu' on a fait dans ma ville avec la chanson "Waka Waka" et toi?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2010
Salut :) ça va?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2010
hi nice to meet u
u have a nice profile
plz visit my blog :
inactive user
Si tu as une webcam et un microphone, nous pouvons parler.
inactive user
Hey just working on some homework! Yes, indeed quite a late reply! lol. I think it can be either, but "to be" is preferred haha. Were you chosen? I hope so!

I have heard of Nurse Jackie, but I don't watch it, I don't think anything like that can compared to the TV show Dexter ! haha. There is a new Lost episode tomorrow and I'm quite excited !

Have a nice day!
inactive user
Salut Melissa! J'écris bien en français mais je ne peux pas parler. C'est très difficile pour moi. Peux-tu m'aider? Je vais t'aider à anglais aussi. Nous pouvons utiliser Skype.
inactive user
Yeah you can, and unlike Megavideo, you don't have to wait an hour to watch more after watching a video for a certain amount of time! It's great for LOST.

You should watch House, I will sound repetitive, but it's funny and great! I love the sense of humor on that show, it's very subtle and intellectual, sometimes cold. Love it!

I saw the last episode, called the Lighthouse. It wasn't as great as the last one with Locke, but it's ok. Jack's actions never make sense to me lol. Did you watch it?
inactive user
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