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Kajipchakky, 26 y.o.
Bang Bua Thong, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
Reply - Conversation - May 28, 2013
Yep, I finished it ^-^ It was a math test. I scored 98 points out of 100.~ Kekeke xD Two days later will be English test. Only 6 examinations, 3 major (English, Russian, mathematics) and 3 exam of choice. At my school now, no one attends classes, all are preparing for the exams. I am preparing too. тт_тт I need to gain maximum score to enter to a good university. And what about your school? When do u have tests?

Waa thanks *_* How it will in Thai "My name is Lina?" Hehe ^///^

Ok, fighting! I wish you good luck ^o^ Be strong!

He lived in Bangkok. He enjoyed it, he wants to move there permanently ^-^ Most likely, I will often visit him. Your city is far away from this place?
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2013
Ahhh sorry~ тт-тт I had a test yesterday. I was sooo tired~
Oh, thanks for the link ^-^

It's hard xD I tried to learn, but it is very difficult.. Oh, you can teach me? *-* Pleasee~ That would be cool *_*

He-he, yep, study is too boring, it takes a lot of time~ But if I do not study, I cann't go to Thailand. xD It's my dream to visit your country. My uncle lived there for a long time, and then tell me about your country. It's sooo cool *_*
inactive user
hello, I'm Eamon! :)
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2013
surfing the net agian after another tiring day;)) U?
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2013
Haha Thanks=DD Never mind;))
inactive user
It's fine. :)
My name's karissa. You?
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2013
Waaa I like buddhism's customs *o* I find it very interesting
Yes, i understand ^-^ It is a pity that in my country there is no such days. тт.тт
Waa thank you ^-^

Yes, I wanna listen thai music very much *-* I like this language. But it's too hard to learn т.т Lenka? Oh, I know this singer :D She's beautiful *_* Can you tell me about your hobbies?
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2013
ok Kajip:DD
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2013
hope so:P
My name is Willy Hay. How bout u?
inactive user
Hi, thank you very much =)
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