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Joana, 32 y.o.
Beja, Portugal [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 115.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2016
Quite the free spirit you are. I wish I had your energy and enthusiasm. I myself for now doing my military services and it will end soon. After that I can run towards my future and dreams and you said you play the piano. I would love to hear anything on that beautiful instrument. I can get high only listing to piano.
Anyway I wish we could be good friends and we can chat any time you feel like it.
inactive user
Cześć :)
Polish - Portuguese exchange?
Bom dia!
inactive user
hey, that was amazing!!
inactive user
thanks for the view ;)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2012
Hello! Nice to meet you :)
inactive user
Hi, how are you?
inactive user
well done!! Portugal qualified for next round!!
inactive user
heeeeeeeeeeeej! what are you gonna be doing in ireland?
inactive user
Bom gosto musical
inactive user
ahahahah ok, desculpe por o meu errore
boa sorte para a viagem :)
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