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Jack O, 34 y.o.
Bendigo, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 378.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2010
hey jack, mighty fine to know you're interested in that cultural stuff. i know many who have thrown it all away. now if you don't mind, which im pretty sure is the case, i could show you around. leorne
inactive user
Jackkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!woah cant believe thiss ur back again uh??aww missed u too mate where have u been!!?its freakin long timee!!well its greatt;))finished highschool n got accepted uni!:D so im in istanbul this year for studyin bussines administrationn:Pwhat about urs?? hey dont disappear again =)) loves n kissessss muahh:D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 20, 2009
i miss you
Reply - Conversation - Aug 7, 2009
miss you too!!
a lot...
H E A P S!!!!! :)

oh, by the way... there is a letter for you on the mail :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2009
Hello =) .. How r u? .. we talked half year ago .. or more i think:P .. So whats new on your side of the world?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2009
Wait a second... your full name is Jack Joseph Edward??
Do you mean I could have called you J.J. this whole time??
F A I L !!! :P
On the other hand, we were both born in 1990... what a coincidence! That is indeed exciting... you scored some points there.

So, my final verdict is:
You passed! And with honourific mention, by the way. Congratulations, you belong now to the select group of Laura Patricia's friends and have been awarded the "Panchita Pancracia" medal for outstanding new members ;)
To seal the deal in the traditional way you need to say either of the next tongue-twisters fast without a single error:

Perejil comí
Perejil cené
¿Cuándo me desperejilaré?

or the famous:

El rey de Parangaricutirimicuaro
se quiere desparangaricutirimizar.
El que lo desparangaricutirimice
será un buen desparangaricutirimizador.

So, good luck. And welcome to the family :P
Miss ya matey!!! :)
Much Love
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2009
hola. i would like to be friends with you, although you will have to pass a simple friendship test before :P
meanwhile, tell me more about yourself.
inactive user
hahahah i know :) but oh really lucky!! mine hol starting next week i cant wait :):) have you got any planns for the holidays???
lol ive been so busy aye espicailly with uni arrrgggh just taken over my life :(:( but gosh im so glad its the holidays soon yay :)
are u at uni yet?
inactive user
jackkk :) omg havent talked to u feorever how ahve you beenn???
inactive user
hey youuuuuu=))miss u too!btw sorry for late reply my stupid comp broke down so how have u been?:)
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