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Rachael, 34 y.o.
Liverpool, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 574.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2011
hey rachael where have you been? lets talk!
take care~
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2009
sorry it took so long to reply how are you
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2009
alright hun whats happening have you got a facebook accaount? i use to live near liverpool :)
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2009
minding your nephew??'re really like kids..hihi..
well as long as the kids are not crying or peeing, i like kids too..heheheh..

i've been..good? not really..hahah..
i'm just finished my practical tests.. *sigh*
T_T i think out of 16 i made 4 mistakes in biology..
i don't know why but if i get nervous, my brain will goes blank!!!
chemistry i think it went good..
physics..thank god i got an easy question!! i got some..ahhh..i don't know how to say in english..looool
the point is, out of 5 questions, i just expert in 1 question and thank god i got the question that i'm expert of! ahhahahaha...
messy english!! loooooool
how about you? will you get exams soon?
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2009
heyhey rachellllllllllll~~~
looooooooong time no talk.. :)
how have you been?? ^o^
inactive user
hey rach everythings good are you?
inactive user
heyyyy rachael! I'm doing pretty good. just got back from the gym and just sitting here now listening to music waiting for someone to get online so we can talk. xD what about youuuuu? :D
inactive user
they are the world best !!!!
inactive user
My favorite soccer team is Liverpool FC~
Do you like liverpool fc?!
inactive user
I'm fine~
My name is hyunkyu OH
I'm living in seoul,korea^^
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