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Emily, 32 y.o.
Manchester, United States [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
Life in Iceland is great :D

And no, we don't have snow all year around, just the winter (;

How's the U.S.?
inactive user
spring cleaning! "new bigginnig" a sense of newness :).

Fairbanks? Where is that? the states is so big, i've got mates on the east/west/south/center! everywhere.

Going to university, in the capital of NZ (Wellington) it's calld Victoria - wellington i think is a much better place to attend to university than Auckland.

I'll be visitng family in Malaysia and going to Vietnam,Germany hopfully Copenhagen and mayeb Holland then London before back to Vietnam. and NYEs on the east coast of NZ (the first sunrise of the year!)
inactive user
grim and rainey. what about in the US
inactive user
it is! it's spring time, do you know how i tell the seasons apart? by the girl fashion stores, they always have ads on tv and everywhere, i'm always so confused as to "what season" it is.

i thoght we had done well in the past, but in Athens (or perhaps Sydney) we only got 1 gold. EEK. but that's alright. we're not too fussed.

Yes, it must be so intense. i saw this russian girl, do pole vaulting, and it must be so amazing to have the glory, but such the opposite to "fail". i remember seeing the russian world champ in underweigh boxing or something cry when he lost in the first round :(, i guess that is something great abotu victory yet therefore there will be defeat.

why are you going to alaska? i've got a friend from Anchorage. Brr, must be cold.

I'm just sorting out uni apps before i leave to go overseas in about 2months. time passes!
inactive user
haha...thank you (:

I'm fine, you?
inactive user
not bad
inactive user
Hi Emily, the weather today is sunny!! :D winter's nearly over. but there is a storm as big as the country coming over soon :S.

i think nz is happy cause we've finally got some medals. Phelps got his 8th! YAY!

how's the summer? and you're north right? so out of the way from florida? (tornado or something)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2007
hhii well im into reggae, jazz and country mostely.. what u into? (music speaking)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2007
heyy how are u hows lifein vermont.. if u could tell me a bit so that would just be intersting and kewl :)
i liked ur qoute XD
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2007
hey whats upi with you?
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