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Gema, 32 y.o.
Madrid, Spain [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 19.
inactive user
Yes, I've seen the pictures and I can't wait!! I'm so excited, and I don't wanna wait till September, it's too far away!!! :(
I'm only 50 pages into The Death Cure, I hope I will be able to finish in in a few days. Who is your favourite character?
inactive user
Hey Gema! This is Simona from Italy!
I'm also reading The Death Cure, I'm at the very beginning and I can't wait to finish it! Are you excited for The Scorch Trials movie to come out? :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2015
sorry have to disagree with you.
Atletico Madrid is the best! :P
how are you today?
inactive user

Como estas?
me gustaria hacer un intercambio por skype contigo
solo hablar no quiero hacer video llamada nadie gusta eso
nowadays . . .pues, si quieres eso idea...Avisame!

Thank You / Good day / See ya
inactive user
Less is more even when it's gone... because then it's ALL GONE! :-O
Reply - Conversation - Jan 10, 2014
t is honored for me to be the first who say welcome in this site .. By the way I wish you happy day I hope that u will like people in interpals and I think that u have an open mind to talk different people from other countries for the step to make the friendship come be true. ... So seriously ;) :p ... Oh sorry I am crazy boy I mean who enjoy laugh in the life and get fun with other I am here bcs I find people are nice and this this network is really special .. I hope that we can talk more and have good time to be friends ! !!
inactive user
Jajajaja es que a mí me agradan las películas de suspenso. Que por cierto las películas españolas son bien conocidas aquí por eso. Ja ja. ¿Cómo estás? Me llamo Ramiro.
inactive user
¡Hola! Acabo de ver Shutter Island hace unos días ¡¡¡¡es una película bueníiiiisima!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2013
Yo te envié un mensaje en tu bandeja de entrada ^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 31, 2013
me costo pero lo conseguí gracias a tu preciosa y divertida aclaración!
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