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Fitzie89, 35 y.o.
Luimneach, Ireland [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 28.
inactive user
oh, I think that no. In Russia they became popular only after Eurovision


But if will be their concert in Moscow, I will buy all the tickets :-))

mm..Have you ever been abroad?
inactive user

of course~!! i really wanna XD

i will be improve my english^^

And i like " Jedward" . Is it irish boys??
inactive user
wow, cool :)

Oh, no. Now i study at university.

My future profession is translator but i study only chinese and spanish.

And in soon time i wanna go abroad XD

mm..and you? Do you work or study?
inactive user

you are funny :)

Actually, my name is Nicole

As you know i live in Russia

Tell me about Ireland, i wanna go to this country XD
inactive user


dia duit----> privet!

It is very easy XD
inactive user

just i have friend from Ireland

so he teached me :-)
inactive user
Tá mé breá. Go raibh maith agat! :)

Agus tú??

Sorry, i know irish very bad^^
inactive user
dia duit! :)
inactive user
Hello my name is Alicia and I live in United States and nice to meet you. :D
inactive user
Joining the Garda, eh? Sorry, that's what caught my eye, haha. :) hello there.
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