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YiJiang小米♥♥, 32 y.o.
Taichung, Taiwan [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1534.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 5, 2013
Happy Birthday!!!~
inactive user
inactive user
Heyy how have u been??
inactive user
inactive user
Happy new year:)
inactive user
Hi Esme :) ~

Nice to hear that you are doing great :) !
Hope you had fun while training, it must be really exhausting ~

No, I only was in London for 1 week (which is way too short XD).
But I want to go there again as soon as possible. A friend of mine and I are planning to go there next year but we are still not so sure if it will work out ~

That´s nice if a family lives together :)

Your English is fine so don´t worry!
At the moment I am moving away so I am quite busy :( ~ So sorry if I can´t respond righ away
Take care~
inactive user
yahh hehe
how have you been? ^^
inactive user
hello friend ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2010
hey hey=) how are you?)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2010
Hey ^_^ hows your weekedn goin ?

hmm... Ramadan is when Muslims fast the whole month you can eat in the morning but after that you cant eat again until sunset it comes once a year ,After that comes our holiday which is called Eid sadly I wont be spending the holiday with my family ill be working =(

What places in America do you want too visit and what other countries ?

I would like too travel to Malsysia Japan and lots of other places maybe one day when Ive saved enough money ^_^
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