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Geraldo, 36 y.o.
Miami, United States [Current City]

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Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 402.
inactive user
Hello there how are you?

xx Jami~
inactive user
inactive user
Haha, well I'll hope I have some money for when I get there atleast. Im gonna have to work like a maniac to get some money. Hope I don't end up wasting it all there o.o

Nope, School does not. I'm gonna take a week hollidays and then get sick for one week >.> Shh don't tell my school. :P
inactive user
Haha, nope. because everytime someone starts talking about the weather, you know you have nothing else to talk about.

Yes, but I am going to both. I am gonna be in Miami too.
inactive user
Haha nah, I kinda think the question "So how about the weather?" Kinda is a convosation killer :P

Yay so it will be the best weather ^^ Thank you for answering my stupid question, but you are the only one I know from there.

Yes, it got canceled because Nick (the guy who is taking us) Got deadly sick. So now we are going in April instead, if they don't change it again. I hope not.
inactive user
Random question. How is the weather in Florida in April?
I wanna know expect from the weather when I am there lol ^^
inactive user
I so knew PS3 was better then 360. :D
Well, break the habit! Buy for PS3!! :D

I havn't played AC2..
They got me AC:Brotherhood because it was newer.. Im gonn get them all :D
inactive user
Well, I got Black Ops and AC:Brotherhood for present.
Then Uncharted :D
You have to pay for that? O.o

How can you get tired of running around assassitating people from roofs and whatnot?! It's awesome! :D I beat the game in 2 days ^^
My neck killed me afterwards Haha
inactive user
Oh please, there is always time for games! :D I have beaten all the new games I got though. I did that fast.
Now I am just playing Black Ops and AC: Brotherhood for fun
inactive user
Well, it's been school and some other stuff...

Well, he seemed like a nice friend.
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